Technology company Cisco have released a study showing that Australians – particularly teenagers, are more addicted to mobile phones than ever before. Hope William-Smith reports.

The survey has revealed that checking text messages, emails and social media is the first action of the day for many, with the majority of those surveyed admitting to checking their phones for updates every half hour throughout the day.

Cisco Chief Technology Officer Kevin Block revealed that “nine out of ten of the survey of 3,800 people under 30 years old are addicted to their smartphone and, in fact, one out of five are checking their smartphone every ten minutes”.

The risks of an over reliance on and addiction to smart phones increases the risk of developing dangerous habits, particularly texting and driving. When questioned on this, one in five of those surveyed by Cisco admitted to messaging behind the wheel. Mr Bloch is urging for people to take a step back from their phones, before attached behaviour becomes a compulsion.

A 2014 Telstra Smart Phone and Tablet Index revealed that smartphone ownership has more than doubled in the country over the last four years, with 85 per cent of owners keeping their phone within arms reach and 71 per cent keeping their phone on 24 hours a day.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority estimate that 91 per cent of Australians will be active smart phone users by 2017.