Dipti Singh

Cringing about staying at home in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, while anticipating how to cover energy and food bills for the next month? You might have read plenty about the survival of the fittest and now the time has come to apply it in your real life. We will get through this pandemic. Don’t worry we have got you covered by compiling a list of budget-friendly ideas.

Traveling costs

For daily commuters of public transport, the good news is you are saving almost $16.10 a day. For car owners, if you drive to work the savings may be higher as working from home helps in saving money on petrol, parking, tolls and extra maintenance due to frequent wear and tear on your vehicle.

Cut on food expenses

It is well acknowledged that home cooking is a perfect way to slash expenses. It enables you to maintain your health to a greater extent. You can save by cooking lunches and snacks at home. It’s not only a safer choice, but it also saves time as you don’t have to prepare office meals. More significantly, it decreases the need to buy costly lattes and coffees as 3 out of 4 Australians enjoy at least one cup of coffee a day. What a great way to save money. Think about it.

Enjoy free fitness at home

Worried about your fitness goals due to the lockdown of recreational centres? Well, now is the best time to chuck out all your memberships and subscriptions for some time. Plan your day, as you can still go out cycling, walking, running or do some physical exercises at home. But, keep in mind you must practice social distancing while going out.

Leisure expenses

Think about the last time you opened your closet to get dressed up and go out for a social outing. I believe the only outing most of us are doing right now is from the bedroom to the living room or kitchen in our pyjamas. No social meetings, eating out and shopping at the malls. So, no more unnecessary expenses.

Try not to focus on all the hardships COVID-19 is causing. Instead, applaud yourself for saving some money and getting through this big challenge.