Joanita Wibowo

It’s hot, isn’t it? Today’s weather might be very sunny and warm already at 32°C, but tomorrow it might get even hotter.
According to the Bureau of Meteorology, temperatures will be very high across inland New South Wales and some coastal areas on Friday, November 20, with Sydney expected to reach 41°C.

“It’s a classic scenario of very hot and dry westerly winds with no sea breeze, followed by a blustery southerly change in the evening bringing relief,” Bureau of Meteorology NSW Severe Weather Manager Michael Logan said.

The public are advised to continue monitoring information on latest weather conditions at the Bureau’s website as well as media and local radio. NSW Health also recommends four steps to tackle the heatwave:

1. Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
2. Keep your body and immediate environment (for example, house or office) cool.
3. Take care of others by reminding them to drink or taking them to cool places.
4. Have a plan; prepare emergency health kits, have emergency numbers ready, and stay alert on weather forecast.

If you are in immediate danger, please call 000 (Triple Zero). If you live or work near a bushland, do not forget to review Bush Fire Survival Plan.