Sabrina Muysken

March 8 marks International Women’s Day (IWD). A global day designed to celebrate all social, economic, cultural and political achievements made by women. The day also works to recognise the ongoing gender inequality experienced worldwide, seeking a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

With more women in the workforce and equality in legislative rights it is all too easy to be misguided into thinking that women have finally attained true equality. The harsh reality is that today women are still not paid equally and women still do not represent equal numbers in business, not to mention suffering from a myriad of health and violence issues. Not only is this occurring globally, but shockingly still within Australian borders.

That is not to say great improvements haven’t been made. Today the world has female astronauts and prime ministers, females regularly outnumber males for university intakes and women can choose to work and have a family without broad social judgement. All IWD asks of us is to “think globally and act locally” and do our bit to ensure that the future for all females continues to be bright, equal, rewarding and most importantly safe.

In light of this celebration, Ku-ring-gai Council is asking for nominations for their ‘Gems of Ku-ring-gai’ awards, which are set to acknowledge the achievements of local women and their work in the community. The awards are open to all female volunteers who are helping our community by providing a service or other assistance.

“We’re particularly interested in women who go about their work without seeking recognition, and who are making a difference in our local community,” says Mayor Cheryl Szatow.

“The aim of these awards is to recognise unsung heroines.”

Applications for ‘Gems of Ku-ring-gai’ are open until Thursday March 10 at