Isabella Ross

Ah Spring – the time where flowers bloom spectacularly and pollen is abundant in the warm, breezy air. However this season is notorious for wreaking havoc on the noses, eyes and skin of all allergy- sufferers. So to aid those in search for solutions, Sydney Observer exclusively sat down with CEO of Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA), Maria Said, to answer some of your questions.

Can the change in weather affect our skin?

The change in weather certainly can affect our skin, so we recommend people use body washes that contribute to hydration when the skin is dry. Particularly, the transition from winter to spring can be harsh due to the excessive amount of pollen in the air.

How do you manage the symptoms alleviated with seasonal allergies, for example itchy eyes, skin, hay fever etc?

A lot of people self-medicate when it comes to symptoms such as itchy eyes, skin and hay fever, and that is not always the best thing to do. Just getting antihistamines, eye drops or nasal sprays over the counter at your local pharmacist without a proper diagnosis can be harmful. I cannot stress how important it is to get a professional diagnosis and plan of action. Setting up an appointment with an expert who understands the process of allergic bronchitis or allergic conjunctivitis and then following a treatment plan accordingly is pivotal. For those with severe symptoms, a doctor can advise them to go on medication before spring starts, and ideally be referred to an allergy specialist.

Is Asthma known to flare up during spring?

Asthma can flare up at any time; it really depends on what the trigger is. But for a significant amount of people, the irritation of the airways by the pollen in the air can certainly aggravate asthma. Asthmatics need to make sure they keep up their everyday medications to help prevent an exacerbation of the condition.

Image courtesy of Jared Belson.