Mary Therese

Rice is typically associated with Asian cuisines, but it’s actually a versatile ingredient that works well with a range of flavours and seasoning. Moreover, a quick overview of rice on Verywell Fit explains that, depending on the type of rice that you choose, this ingredient can serve as a good source of carbohydrates, vitamins, and fibre. That being said, this super grain certainly deserves to be a mainstay in your pantry, and here are some reasons why:

Pushes back nausea:
If you’re feeling a little nauseous and want to throw up, studies on Medical News Today have found that eating rice is good for helping your stomach settle down. This is because your stomach tolerates bland and odourless foods better when it’s acting up, which makes rice a great contender. Moreover, it provides your body with the necessary nutrients it needs to refuel, such as carbs, protein, and iron. Eventually, you’ll be able to re-incorporate other foods back into your diet.

Easy to prepare.
No matter what you’re preparing for lunch or dinner, rice is a great side dish to prep quickly for an added dose of carbohydrates. What’s more, the guides from the We Know Rice website highlight just how many options there are nowadays for good rice cookers regardless of your budget. Many of today’s rice cookers also feature intuitive controls, making it easy to set it and forget it until it’s time to eat. This is especially handy if you’re inviting guests over and you need an easy-to-cook side dish in a pinch.

Has a long shelf life:
As long as you store it in a cool, dry, airtight place at temperatures below 23 degrees, uncooked white rice can last for as long as ten years. However, its other variations, like black and red, can only last for around six months. But even with this shorter shelf life, these different types of rice are especially useful to have in case of emergencies or disasters. And with diseases and natural calamities becoming more rampant today, food writer Michelle Stark urges households to stock up on rice all the more.

You can make coffee out of it:
Ran out of coffee powder? Craving for the taste of coffee but could do without the caffeine? Rice might just do the trick. Simply roast your rice grains in a pan until it turns black. Then, boil the grains in a pot for around 30 minutes, or until the water turns opaque enough that you can’t see the bottom. You can also leave it boiling longer so the taste is more concentrated. The resulting rice-based beverage is a bit milder than your usual coffee mixes, but it does have a more pleasant taste — especially when mixed with cream.

Indeed, rice is a great ingredient to have around. Despite being treated as more of a side dish, rice can definitely take centre stage for its myriad of health benefits and taste perks.

Piece written by Mary Therese for