Nicholas Grant

It is impossible to count the number of different brands on the shelves when grocery shopping and researching the pros and cons of each warrants an arduous and time-consuming chore. In recent years, sustainability has become a key area of interest for shoppers, with an Accenture survey finding that nearly three-quarters of consumers purchase more environmentally-products than they did five years ago.

Biodegradable Coffee Pods

Regular espresso capsules are made from plastic and aluminium, which means that they can take up to 500 years to break down in landfill. In response to this concerning fact, several companies now produce biodegradable or compostable coffee pods which are fully compatible with your current machines. Better yet, companies like Urban Brew, Tripod Coffee and Pod & Parcel are Australian owned and manufactured.

Clean Canned Tuna

With Aussies consuming around 50,000 tonnes of tuna each year, Greenpeace first released the Canned Tuna Guide in 2017 to highlight the companies which are working to protect our marine life. Among the most ethical companies were John West and Aldi. Despite its name, Greenseas performed worst, being “the only brand to have abandoned its commitment to sustainability.” The full guide can be found at

Sustainable Soap

Most people overlook cleaning items when thinking about environmental impacts, but many common detergents and washing powders can contain ingredients that are harmful for our waterways. A 2017 study at the University of Riau found that having detergent in water can double the amount of chemicals absorbed by fish. ‘Soapberries’ are the shells of a fruit in the same family as lychees. They are a new alternative to washing powder, and can be added to a laundry machine. The shells are high in an organic soap-like compound named saponin.