Dipti Singh

If you are still stuck with your old skincare products and tools, it’s time for you to change it up a little by integrating some 2020 skincare trends into your everyday skincare routine. Here is a list of inspiration to treat yourself and stay ahead of the curve by achieving the best skin of your life in 2020.


When it comes to trendy skincare products, one has gone right to the top of this year’s hotlist. Retinol is an effective ingredient to help keep the skin clean, healthy, and youthful. Whether it is derived from a plant or animal source, it plays a major role in preserving your skin’s youth by boosting the cell regeneration cycle. You can easily get retinol-based serums, moisturisers and overnight oils over the counter.


If you are a huge fan of cosmetics, you would surely have found that microbiome skincare and probiotic-infused items are trending these days. Skincare obsessives know that it is beneficial to feed and boost the good bacteria in our skin. It helps in preserving skin health, enhancing the skin barrier, and maintaining natural immunity through beneficial bacteria. Microbiome-based products are widely available in the market in the form of moisturisers, mists, serums, cleansers and so on.


Vitamin C, known as a key antioxidant nutrient, is one of the active ingredients in skincare. Cosmetics brands are constantly looking for innovative ways to incorporate them into beauty regimes. The antioxidant in Vitamin C helps to treat a variety of common skin issues like dark circles, fine lines, wrinkles, and irregular texture of the skin.


Jade rollers are known for reducing inflammation and puffiness, delays the cell ageing cycle by improving the rate of cell regeneration, and increases chi by reducing blockages between meridian points. The roller helps in releasing the strain and raises and strengthens the cheekbones like a face workout. Beauty enthusiasts use this facial massage tool with serums and facial oils to help sculpt the facial features.