Tayla Foster

Are you feeling sluggish and slow this winter? Are you beginning to not recognise yourself in the mirror? You are one of what feels like a thousand Australians wanting to get that summer body happening early this year. Trim down those insecurities by joining fun and active lifestyle programs and activities that will allow you to enjoy movement again and do it confidently.

Dancing –

Want to centre your mind and live out your childhood Nikki Webster fantasy? Join in on an adult jazz, hip hop, or if you’re feeling adventurous, cheerleading class. Dance away the body insecurities and quite literally get into the groove of the rhythm and funk. Dancing is a fantastic form of cardiovascular exercise whilst feeling confident and fantastic, not to mention the same amount of exhaustion as a gym workout when you leave.

Bootcamp –

Indoor and outdoor bootcamps are just what you need to boost up your energy levels and whip yourself into shape. Lookout for community notice boards for local boot camps near you and get fit, healthy and active one again. Bootcamp is a great traditional form of exercise and can be viewed as a fantastic bonding experience between friends, family and colleagues wishing to join in the fun and rigorous training regime together.

F45 –

F45 has taken over what a workout should look like, thousands of Australians enjoy the high intensity workouts that do not cost an arm and a leg, nor run for an exorbitant amount of time. The fantastic attribute about F45 is that it allows members to work to their own level and at their own pace among a variety of activities amongst a circuit. It allows the participants to trial various exercises for short amounts of time throughout their 45-minute training regimen. Book a free trial and F45 today!

Look good, and feel again this winter, get off the lounge and hit up a fun activity surrounded by fun and positivity.